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  • Tianchang Haitao wiredrawing die factory - abrasives and working principle

    Grinding is used to grinding, grinding and polishing tools. Most of the abrasive is the use of artificial abrasives abrasive and binder, but also useful natural abrasives natural mineral rock directly processed into. In addition to grinding machinery manufacturing and other metal processing industry has been widely used, but also used for processing grain processing, paper industry and ceramics, glass, stone, plastic, rubber, wood etc. nonmetal materials.
    Abrasive during use, when the abrasive grinding blunt, as part of their break-up or abrasive binder fracture, abrasive from the abrasive on the partial or complete loss, while the abrasive surface of the abrasive work emerging new cutting edge, or continuously exposing new sharp abrasive abrasive, so keep cutting performance in certain period of time. This self - sharpening abrasive, abrasive tool compared with the general characteristics of outstanding.
    Early in the Neolithic age, human beings have been used for processing natural stone knives, stone axes, bone, horn and dental tools; in 1872, in USA appeared with kiln ceramic grinding wheel abrasive and using natural clay; before and after 1900, the advent of artificial abrasives, abrasive abrasive manufacturing by artificial have been, to create the conditions for the rapid development of grinding and grinding machine. Since then, a natural abrasive in the abrasive diminishing proportion.
    Abrasives source of their raw materials, natural abrasives and abrasive man-made two. Mechanical industry in common only oilstone natural abrasives. Artificial abrasives according to the basic shape and structural features distinguish, grinding wheel, grinding, stone, sand tile (collectively bonded abrasives) and five types of coated abrasives. In addition, it is also customary to the abradant is classified as a type of abrasive.
    Abrasives consolidation according to the different abrasives, can be divided into ordinary abrasive abrasive consolidation and consolidation of superhard abrasive abrasive. Use of corundum and silicon carbide abrasive the ordinary, the latter with diamond and cubic boron nitride superhard abrasive made. In addition, there are some special species, such as sintered corundum abrasives.
    Ordinary abrasive consolidation is combined with ordinary abrasive agent consolidation into a certain shape, and has a certain strength abrasives. General from abrasives, binders and pore structure, often referred to as the three part consolidation of the three elements of abrasive.
    Abrasive in the abrasive cutting role play. Binder is to form a loose abrasive abrasive solid materials, there are two types of inorganic and organic. Inorganic binders are ceramic, magnesia and sodium silicate; organic resin, rubber and shellac. One of the most commonly used is the ceramic, resin and rubber binder.
    Pores in the grinding of wear debris from chip and chip removal, and can accommodate coolant, help grinding heat dissipation. In order to meet some special processing requirements, porosity can also be impregnated with some filler, such as sulfur and paraffin wax, to improve the use of abrasive performance. The bulking agent, also known as the fourth element of abrasives.
    Said the general characteristics of abrasive abrasive consolidation projects are: the shape, size, hardness, abrasive particle size, structure and bond. Abrasives Abrasive hardness refers to under the action of external force, the degree of difficulty the abrasive surface shedding, it reflects the strength of bonded abrasive dominated.
    Abrasive hardness depends on the quantity and density of abrasive to adhesive, abrasive easily fall off of that low abrasive hardness; conversely, that high hardness. The level of hardness is generally divided into super soft, soft, medium soft, medium, hard, hard and superhard seven - level, from these levels can also be subdivided into a number of small class. Method for determination of the hardness of the abrasive, the more commonly used with determination and sandblasting hardness meter hand cone method, mechanical cone method, Rockwell hardness tester.
    Abrasive hardness and its dynamic elastic modulus relationship with, which is conducive to the expressed as abrasive hardness dynamic modulus of elasticity grinding apparatus using a touch tone method. In grinding, the grinding of workpiece materials if high hardness, low abrasive hardness is generally used; on the contrary, selection of high hardness of the abrasive.
    Organization is divided into coarse abrasive close, three secondary and osteoporosis. Each category can be further subdivided, use numbers to distinguish between organizations. Abrasives organization, the greater the volume percentage of abrasive, abrasive grinding share in the smaller, more abrasive wide gap between that the more loose organization. Conversely, smaller organization, said the organization more closely. Than the loose organization of the abrasive used is not easy passivation, less heat in the grinding process, can reduce the workpiece deformation and heat burn. Abrasive tight organization of abrasive grain is not easy to fall off, is conducive to maintaining the geometric shape of abrasive. Abrasives organizations only in manufacturing by abrasive formula to control, generally do not make a determination.
    Super hard abrasive abrasive consolidation is mainly abrasive made of diamond, cubic boron nitride and a binder. As the diamond, cubic boron nitride prices high, has good abrasion resistance, abrasive abrasive consolidation consolidation abrasives and ordinary made with them are different, in addition to super hard abrasive layer, transition layer and matrix and.
    Super hard abrasive layer is part of the role from cutting, composed of super hard abrasive and binder. The matrix plays a supporting role in grinding, composed of a metal, bakelite or ceramic materials. Transition layer for connecting the base and super hard abrasive layer, constituted by the binder, and sometimes can also be saved. Commonly used binders resin, metal, electroplating, metal and ceramics etc..
    Abrasives consolidation of the manufacturing process are: the distribution of materials, mixing, forming, heat treatment, processing and inspection. Different with the binders, manufacturing process are not the same. Vitrified abrasives are mainly pressure method, the abrasive and binder according to the formula of weight ratio after weighing, a mixer mixing
    | Updated:2014.05.21    Source:Polycrystal drawing die _ natural diamond drawing die _ diamond wire drawing die - Tianchang Haitao    Clicks:7315